This book looked like a nice quick read, so I grabbed it off the bookshelf recently. As one who is planning to purchase land and set it up for horse riding, Making Your Own Jumps definitely has appeal.

It is a short read, 24 pages in length with accompanying illustrations by Carole Vincer, but a very helpful book. The reader is first introduced to the importance of a well-designed jumping course for horse riders and then the idea of a practice field is considered.
From here, readers are introduced to varying show jump stands, wings and cups as well as show jump parts. Measurements and safety considerations are offered for those wanting to build lasting and safe jumps.
As you progress through the book, you are then introduced to different types of show jumps – upright, triple bar, oxer, etc. Mary then goes on to explain show jump combinations and what makes a jump dangerous. A two page illustration is provided of an example show jumping course with 10 jumps and multiple changes of direction.
Following this, cross country jumps are considered. The materials you may use are explained as well as measurements to make a jump save, sturdy and inviting. Different ways to secure jumps – through rope, wire, nails and use of chocks are also explored. Then over 20 different types of cross country jumps are illustrated and explained before the book looks at ditches and banks. The reader is provided with measurements and details on how to build and reinforce these types of jumps and finally cross country combinations and water jumps are looked into. A final word is provided on maintenance of jumps and useful tools for creating and maintaining horse jumps.
Making Your Own Jumps by Mary Gordon Watson is an easy read with lots of visuals to help explain concepts. I believe it will be a valuable tool when I am building jumps in the future.
Author – Mary Gordon Watson
Non-Fiction – horse jump creation
In my library – definitely is!
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