Recently my daughter brought home another book from school – Meet Grace. The cover with the face of a young girl, a cantering horse, some trinkets for a necklace as well as a horseshoe caught my eye.
Reading over the blurb, I was curious about a young girl, who is starving and with only an uncle to guide her. It is always nice to have another quick, easy read to review!
Meet Grace by Sofie Laguna
The highlight of Grace’s day is getting to see the horses on Fleet Street in London. The reader is introduced to her fascination with horses at the end of chapter one. Grace is drawn to a carriage horse that is skin and bone and not treated well by his owner. She desperately wants to feed the horse – and herself! – and run away with it and find a better life.

But a decision to steal food for the horse soon has her on the run from the authorities and her life changes forever.
Meet Grace is an interesting read and well put together for middle grade readers. It provides great insight into the lives of ‘mudlarks’ back in the 1800s in London. It also explores a young girl’s fascination with the equine species, which was a lovely additional touch.
The story ends with much possibility for the future and also explores the changes that were thrust upon ‘convicts’ from England that were shipped off to Australia for a new life. An interesting and educational read with a light focus on horses.
Author: Sofie Laguna
Fiction – middle grade
In my library? This one was borrowed from my daughter’s school library.
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