Back in 2016, I wrote about a niche area that fascinated me in regard to potential work. Still today, I believe if I wasn’t in a horse educational role that I love, I would look into editing horse books! It seems I am not alone. Enter: Palomino and Pinto Editing.
Joyce Bloemker of Palomino and Pinto recently reached out to thank me for the above post on Equus Education from back in 2016. She indicated this was also her passion and if you view her site, you will find this to be true!
I love everything about books, writing, and horses. This is a place where I combine all my passions. Check out the editorial services I offer for authors and my blog where I write about my horses.”

Joyce has recently branched out into the world of editing books. Interested? Be sure to have a look at her site linked above. As I stated back in my 2016 post focusing on Equine Editors, finding a horsey editor to review your horse book can have an added bonus: they know horses.
Good editors can pick up on spelling errors, grammar inconsistencies, formatting errors, and sentence structure issues. And of course, this will be beneficial to any author. But one that knows horses can pick up on details that a non-horsey editor may not. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, the horse information should be correct.
So if you’re in the business of writing about horses, why not check out this new editor who also happens to know horses?
“My troubles are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my old friends under the apple trees.” ― Anna Sewell, Black Beauty
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