A part of the Treasured Horses Collection, Pride of the Green Mountains by Carin Greenberg Baker focuses on 10 year old Rosalie and her beloved Morgan horse. Rosalie is missing her father terribly. He is off fighting in the US Civil War. Rosalie, alongside her mother, younger brother and sister are left to tend the farm they earn their living on.

Prices rise and their cattle herd has dwindled in numbers due to ill health. This has resulted in a decline in the family’s income, which was earned from the herd’s milk production. Rosalie finds her days brightened only by Major, her family’s 10 year old Morgan horse.
Mortgage payments soon fall due and Rosalie’s mother sees no way to meet them. The 10 year old is devastated to learn they may have to sell Major to be able to cover costs.
Pride of the Green Mountains is an educational read about the versatility of the Morgan horse breed. It is also a great children’s tale of a young girl’s desire to keep her beloved friend and turn the family’s financial situation around. This book is a delightful read with beautiful illustrations.
Author: Carin Greenberg Baker
Fiction – children
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“The wagon rests in winter, the sleigh in summer, the horse never.” – Yiddish Proverb
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