So this book I’ve had to read for a subject in my equine science degree. Having always been interested in conformation and anatomy of the horse, it’s been a really interesting read!
Author Deb Bennett encourages readers to consider the horse’s true function and to base conformational ideals on what the horse is made to do. Rather than fitting a type into human ideals or standards, Bennett first questions, ‘What kind of an animal is a horse?’

Bennett then goes on to encourage readers to consider how the horse’s body moves and how it is asked to move for different disciplines. A look into the muscles and skeletal structure that allow certain movements in the horse’s body allows readers to consider what indeed they are asking of their horses, and whether this is in line with the horse’s physical capabilities.
Conformation is also explored, with Bennett daring to point out that some ‘faults’ that are recognised by many who judge conformation, are indeed how they should be in the horse. Principles of Conformation Analysis is the first of 3 volumes, and explains things in a straight forward manner, at times using analogies to further clarify her point. A more in depth review of this book can be found at Suite101.
Author: Deb Bennett, PhD
Non Fiction – conformation
In my library? Technically, no. It apparently isn’t in print at this point in time, so I’ve been provided with a photocopy from uni! Well worth putting in the equine library.
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
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