Ann Pearce is an equine agent, researching the right horse for customers to buy. She was kind enough to answer some questions about this work she currently does part time.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I would guess that my day is between 50 and 60% horse related, either working for someone else freelance, being with my own semi retired hobby horse and brood mares or teaching my three year old daughter on the lead rein.

Then in the evening it’s hours of searching through the internet for the ideal horse/ponies as an equine agent to my customers. Usually from the UK and USA looking to come over here to Germany but also I have some regular customers from Sweden.
What is it exactly that you do?
I help people find their perfect equine partner. I simply use my contacts to find as many suitable horses as possible. I then arrange videos, hotels, transport and appointments to come and try them, help correspond with vets and arrange transport and quarantine if required. I can even book restaurants and arrange nights out. The main aim is to not only find my customers the perfect horse but make the whole experience as fun and stress free as possible.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
I do know some agents who do this full time and manage to make a living out of it. They usually work for one yard and get their commission from that yard. I work totally independently. Not tied to any yard or seller, I work for the buyer.
For me it just isn’t possible to do this full time. I find that the amount of time I actually put in finding horses and reputable yards/sellers is just too huge. I would rather have one or two customers a month who really know what they need in a horse that I can really commit to, rather than one or two a week, just rushed through. Also being a single mother to a perpetually energetic three year old means that at this point in time I could not work as an independent agent full time.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
I think the general steps taken to be employed in such a role apart from having experience in the horse world and a good basic knowledge of law regarding sales, is to be friendly and approachable. People want to work with someone who takes the role seriously and has an excellent reputation. Word of mouth has always been my favourite form of advertising.
Favourite horse memory?
My favourite horse memory is probably hunting as a child. Back in the days when I knew no fear.
Future goals?
My future goals are two fold. I have just moved to France and my main business goal is to build up a great network here while continuing to source horses and work with people in Germany. As for my personal goals I would love to get back to my original passion and what first brought me to Germany almost 10 years ago, breeding. I have a couple of very special mares at the moment and hope to have a few dressage foals on the ground in the next 18 months either for private sale or auction.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The best thing about my profession is the people and horses I get to meet. Being based in Warendorf for the last 7 years has been a truly amazing experience. There are just so many talented people in this town. Everyday you can learn something new.
I also love it when people send me pictures and updates of the horses I have helped them to find. That’s a great feeling. Ann can be contacted via
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