Henrietta Purvis, of Purvis Feeds in New Zealand was kind enough to answer some questions about what she does.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
Every day of my week is related to horses.

What is it exactly that you do?
My husband and I started Purvis Feeds Ltd in 2005 and we make lucerne (alfalfa) chaff which is primarily for the equestrian market. We supply the main retailers in the south island of New Zealand. We grow our own lucerne and also buy in from Central Otago which has an amazing climate for growing premium quality lucerne.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Year on year our business has grown. My husband also pregnancy scans sheep, cattle and deer and as sales of chaff increase, he downsizes the amount of scanning he does.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
We are passionate about our product and are always looking at ways to keep up to date with the new innovations in Europe/Australia/Canada.

Favourite horse memory?
We own 3 Quarter Horses and compete in rodeos countrywide. My husband is a team roper and I barrel race. I have consistently been in the top 4 during the past 10 seasons. My favourite horse memory was winning 5 barrel races in 5 days!
Future goals?
Our aim is to grow our feed business further and maybe look at cutting other products such as Timothy grass and Oats. We employ one man on average 2 days a week to help with packing and tractor duties.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
It is awesome to be able to go to rodeos and see bags of Purvis Lucerne Chaff in competitors’ trucks. This is also a great way of keeping in touch with our customers.
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