Jane Myers was kind enough to answer some questions about the work that she and Stuart carry out with Equiculture. Check out their answers!
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
All of our working week is related to horses, we live and breath horses every day, although we no longer own horses as we are travelling, delivering our talks around the world.
What is it exactly that you do?
We (Equiculture) teach horse owners about sustainable horsekeeping practices (I was one of the speakers at The Sustainable Equine Conference at Nottingham Trent University recently for example). We now work between Australia and the UK, I spend about four months in Australia and Stuart six months.

We provide a one day or half day talk on the subject of sustainable, environmentally friendly horse/lan.d management. This talk gives participants up to date facts about some of the most important issues of our time. This talk encompasses the latest information about sustainability, soil loss, clean water etc. but also includes the latest information about equine obesity management (particularly in relation to pasture).
I (Jane) also coach rider biomechanics, you can find out more about that on www.horseridersmechanic.com.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
It is difficult – but possible. We have had to sacrifice many things, but we love the flexibility of our work. If we had family ties, such as children, it would be much more difficult.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
I have an MSc Equine Science ( I specialised in Grazing Behaviour) and Stuart is a people person (he has a degree in Youth Work and he worked in that field for many years before working for our own business – Equiculture). Our combined equine and human qualifications and experience has allowed us to develop our unique business.
Favourite horse memory?
I have so many… riding on the beach is one.
Future goals?
To get our message out to more people – on a TV show would be good!
Best thing about your sport/profession?
It allows women to get out and do things that they might not otherwise.
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