Recently Bryan came and had a chat with our Equine Students at work, about his business – CEN Nutrition – entrepreneurship, and working hard in the equine industry.
I love learning about different horse companies and especially the stories of those who are self-started. The industry is so large and offers so many different opportunities for horse fanatics!
I reached out to Bryan to see if he’d be willing to share a little bit about himself and CEN Nutrition. Bryan is “the outlier Entrepreneur starting an Equine Nutrition Feed Company from scratch at the age of 30, having graduated as a Medical Scientist to perform blood analysis at age 20”.
He has kindly answered some questions about his career, below.
If you have a passion for linking horse health and horse nutrition, you may be interested to learn a little about his nutrition business! Read on below.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
All working hours are horse related and I love it!

What is it exactly that you do?
Co-Founder of CEN Nutrition, Head of Education and Marketing.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full-time professional and earn a liveable income?
Yes, due to part-owning the company we created.
Profile On: Bryan Meggitt, CEN Nutrition
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
Entrepreneurship and the never ending search for the right answers for horse health through nutrition.
Favourite horse memory?
The 2023 Tom Quilty Gold Cup (National Endurance Championship Race) the winning horse “Tonki Dee Boo Novak” was on the complete CEN Nutrition diet program and recorded the 3rd fastest time in history over the 160km event!
Future goals?
Continue to innovate and improve horse health with quality products.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The feedback from a horse owner/trainer that you have changed their horse’s life for the better with nutrition.
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