How much of your day/week is related to horses? What is it exactly that you do?
Firstly, no week is ever the same. I teach riders, and train horses. But I also, do holistic therapy for animals and humans. This last week, every day was involved with care of horses, but I only did two equine Bowen therapies, and no teaching. Tomorrow I will ride/train and possibly teach.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
As far as being able to earn a full time living — yes it’s possible, but I will never be rich. Though I consider myself lucky to do something I love, and get paid for it.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
Anyone can train to do Bowen. There are several colleges world-wide. However to become qualified in equine Bowen, you have to become qualified in humans. Both courses took about a year each.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The best thing about my work is the reward of helping a body back into alignment. Especially horses. They look at you with such gratitude when you have released a trapped nerve, that they have been having to work with for a long time.
Favourite horse memory?
My favourite memories — too many to mention. But each time a horse turns his head towards you, to say thanks; be it, that you’ve released them from pain, or told a rider to stop doing something, that you know the horse hates, is always special.
Future goals?
My goals are to take my teaching of riding and therapy to a wider field. I have worked in KY and TX. I would like to also visit CA and NE.
“Amazingly fast, incredibly strong, tirelessly proud, fantastically gentle, he is a huge dark beast that touches the hearts of all who meet him.” – Anna Sewell
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