How much of your day/week is related to horses?
Presently about 25% of my day is directly involved with horses. When I was training and racing I believe it would be 75% of the day’s activities.

What is it exactly that you do?
I’m presently involved with Goldenwings Horseshoes are the most revolutionary horseshoes in 2000 years and have been designed to help a horse remain sound from the hoof to the spine.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Horses as with any occupation have those involved who do very well and those who do not. The individual who is committed to horses as a profitable venture, or as a fun hobby and source of relaxation will succeed. As with any vocation success comes to those who love what they do, study and work toward a goal with an attitude of being the very best at what they do whether it’s for fun or profit.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
The are universities and colleges that offer equine programs, or one may get started with the beginning role of working in a horse environment.
Horseshoeing, blacksmith, and farriers are always in good demand and there are schools located across the US. Others begin the trade as an apprentice or shoeing or trimming on their own horse and make it a business. Blacksmiths and farriers can earn into six figures of income.
Favourite horse memory?
There are many for me, beginning with helping to remove the birth sac from the nose of a newborn foal and then helping the foal to stand and take his first drink of milk, or to driving a Standardbred horse in a horse race.
Horses have given to me many pleasant memories since I was a little boy on my grandfather’s farm.
Future goals?
My goal is to promote the why for Goldenwings Horses, to have Goldenwings on as many horses as is possible, to enable horses to remain sound, happy, and healthier than is presently possible with the ordinary horseshoes being used today on horses.
You may wish to visit to see the why that I’m so excited about; the why for Goldenwings for your horse.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The best thing for me is to be in the process of learning that horses are creatures that are far more intelligent than most people think, can go away for an extend period of time and come home and remember me and their other horse buddies, that they can be companions that respond to love and kindness, and bring pleasure to anyone who will take the time to respond to them and return the kindness in their eyes.
“At least when my horse loses a shoe I don’t have to buy four new ones.” – Author unknown
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