Rachel Annan is an equine industry trainer with the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). She has kindly taken the time to answer some questions about her horse related profession and experience. Find out more about being an equine industry trainer below.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
My entire working week is related to horses in some way or another. Or more precisely, all my work is related to training and educating people about horses. I also exercise Racehorses in my spare time!
What is it exactly that you do?
Equine Industry Training. I educate people who work in the equine industry in Northern Ireland about horses, equine business, Health & Safety, etc. We run seminars, evening courses and conferences.

I am also involved with Knowledge and Technology Transfer work in the equine Industry. This is to enhance equine welfare, business profitability and environmental impact for equine businesses in Northern Ireland, through Technology and improved Knowledge.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Yes. I’m doing it!
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
I have an Equine Managemnet Degree, Level 3 NVQ in Racehorse Care and professional marketing qualifications. I also have extensive experience in the Racing industry throughout the world.
Favourite horse memory?
Winning races on Eglish – A small racehorse with a big heart!
Future goals?
Continue to expand my experience in the industry.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The people in the equine industry!
“In the steady gaze of the horse shines a silent eloquence that speaks of love and loyalty, strength and courage. It is the window that reveals to us how willing is his spirit, how generous his heart.” – Author Unknown
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