I stumbled across The Copy Jockey on Instagram recently and just had to check it out. I don’t know about you, but when I see the word ‘copy’, I think of someone who writes for others. And of course, with ‘jockey’, I think horses! Sarah of The Copy Jockey, was kind enough to answer some questions about what she does.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I work as an equine copywriter, so all of my working week is horse-related. I have an ex-racehorse so I spend time with him every day, but not as much as I’d like due to family responsibilities! And I have two ponies for the children. These take up a lot of time, whether feeding, moving, brushing, leading the children around, lunging etc. So the majority of my time is horse-related!
Profile On: Sarah White, The Copy Jockey
What is it exactly that you do?
I’m an equine copywriter so I help equestrian-based businesses with all their marketing words. This could be writing their websites for SEO optimisation (my specialty), sales pages, SEO-optimised blog articles, email sequences or lead magnets, or other copy (words) for marketing and selling.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full-time professional and earning a liveable income?
Yes, I believe it is. I am part-time (IN my business, working ON your business never ends) as I have a limited number of hours every week between school and daycare hours to do client work. But copywriting is a career where you can earn a good income, and niching down as I have means my client pool may be smaller, but it’s more targeted, so once you build your business up and get your name out there, the sky’s the limit.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
I set myself up as my own business, so this means I have had to learn all about running a business and what comes with that. This includes learning how and where to market yourself, learning SEO and website fundamentals, how to ‘do’ social media. How to do your financial accounts, and even how to do techy stuff on computers/Google Docs/Word etc!
Gaining employment
If you want to do copywriting as a career, or to be employed in the marketing sector, you need a good grasp of what SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is, how it works, and how to do it, as copywriting goes hand in hand with SEO. Just keep learning and upskilling yourself in all areas of marketing and copywriting. (AI and how that works is the latest ‘thing’ to learn.)
Favourite horse memory?
Plenty of favourite moments, with different horses. Fantastic days out hunting on my gorgeous big racehorse Roger (when he wasn’t pulling my arms out), galloping over big hedges while team chasing on my heart horse Foue, winning events on my pony club horse Dolly. Or even further back, beating everyone, including the boys, at every showjumping competition on my little New Forest pony, Candy, when I was 10/11 years old!
Future goals?
To keep growing my business, as and when I get more time when my littlest children start school/become more independent. I would like to create some courses to help clients further with SEO, website creation, their marketing words… Also, to spend as much time in the saddle and riding with my children as I can!
Best thing about your sport/profession?
I get to work with all kinds of equestrian businesses. And if I’m in the mood for shopping, it’s awesome, as I know exactly who to go to for riding tights, or horse supplements, or saddle pads! (If you’re trying to save money that month, the temptation is not so great!)
Have you got a horse related business that may need some SEO help? Why not reach out to Sarah of The Copy Jockey for a chat?
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