How much of your day/week is related to horses?
100% of my work day is related to horses.
What is it exactly that you do?
I sell equine-related insurance policies. I answer questions from clients in this industry to help them determine what insurance policy is going to meet their needs. My agency deals only with equine policies –
- mortality/medical on the horse,
- liability for the independent trainer/instructor,
- farm policies for the property owners with horses and/or horse business (boarding, lessons, training), horse clubs, equine events.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Yes. Insurance is an important part of the horse owner’s life. We help protect your investment in your horse through life insurance and medical insurance. We also provide required coverage for property – insuring against loss to homes, barns, equipment, and tack.
Many farm owners are now requiring the independents conducting business on their property to carry their own insurance and name the property owner as an additional insured. This is very important because property owner’s own policy would not protect them if they are sued because of the independent’s business.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
To be employed in the insurance industry, you could start as clerical staff in an agency or come in as a licensed agent. Each state requires an insurance agent to be licensed to sell insurance. Some agents are independents and they broker business through an agency without being an employee. In this case they are paid a commission on the business they bring to the agency. In most cases, the independent agent would have a contract with the agency spelling out their agreement.
Favourite horse memory?
As a young teen, I went horseback riding for the first time with a friend from church. She sat in the saddle and I sat behind her hanging on for dear life! When the horse stepped over a bridge in the ring, I just knew I was going to slide off the back end. It was scary and exhilarating all at once.
Future goals?
My goal is to continue to grow my agency by helping people understand why they need insurance, what policy is best for them, and helping them save money in the process.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The best thing about my profession is the satisfaction of helping others. I’m not a saleswoman but a teacher, guiding people to make good decisions. I also enjoy getting to visit the farms I insure and spending time with beautiful horses.
“I pray the gentle hands may guide my feet;I ask for kind commands from voices sweet; At night a stable warm with scented hay, where, safe from every harm, I’ll sleep till day.” – Pony’s prayer
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