Nancy Morgan strongly feels the loss of her mother and isn’t sure that her brothers or father even realise she exists. Although her dad has bought her a horse to fill the void, Nancy wishes he would take interest in her riding.
Not yet sure what she wants to do with her mare Oatmeal, Nancy tries a different discipline each week. Although this seems to bring scorn from other riders, she is determined to continue until she finds one that she and Oatmeal are good at.
Her endeavours to take up endurance riding are encouraged by another rider, Mrs. Hardy. Nancy likes the older woman and finds she reminders her of her late mother.
With Mrs. Hardy’s encouragement, Nancy is able to learn a lot about endurance riding and even get herself ready for her first event. Only Steve who rides where Nancy keeps Oatmeal can dampen her enthusiasm. He is mean and full of negative words – and he’s competing in the same event.
As Nancy realises the pressure Steve is under from his father, she questions what the outcome will be. This is especially so when Steve’s hard riding results in Oatmeal running loose and hurting herself. Will Nancy be able to ride in the endurance race?
Author – Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
Fiction – children
In my library? – that it is, as a paperback.
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“Who among us has not as a child asked Santa Clause to bring us a pony on Christmas day?” – Author unknown
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