Apart from within the Thoroughbred industry, the use of artificial insemination and even embryo transfers are quite common in the horse breeding world.
AI allows mare owners access to a much larger gene pool, including the possibility of getting your mare in foal to an international stallion. ET allows mare owners to get a foal out of their top mare and have it implanted into another and consequently continue competing with the mare that is the biological mother of the foal.
The demand for storage and distribution of semen and embryos is such that it is possible for a company to solely focus on providing this service if they have the means to distribute around the world.
Select Breeders Services do just that. Their services include:
– freezing of semen
– storage of frozen semen/embryos
– distribution of frozen semen
– import and export of frozen semen
– embryo freezing
They also provide a support program for stallion owners which translates breeding contracts into other languages, suggest advertising areas that are likely to give a stallion wide coverage and help translate ads into the language of a targeted country.
In an industry that has really taken off on an international basis, it’s worth investigating the possibility of breeding your mare to an international bloodline or advertising your stallion outside of your own country. Despite not using AI or ET, the Thoroughbred industry also takes advantage of international interest by the use of shuttle stallions that are bred in both hemispheres.
Select Breeders Services show just another facet of the horse industry that can be turned into a job or career.
“Breed the best to the best and hope for the best.” – Breeder’s axiom
tag: artificial insemination, embryo transfer, frozen semen, breeding horses
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