A spin off series from the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley, is Wild Horse Island. In the second book in this series, The Shining Stallion, young Darby Carter is living in the place of her dreams. She has found herself living in Hawaii with her grandfather Jonah while her mum is on set for a film. Jonah owns 2000 acres in Hawaii known as ‘Iolani Ranch. He breeds working horses and has a beautiful bay stallion.

Aside from her grandfather’s horses, there are wild horses on the island. Darby is in heaven. She loves horses. Her passion for them and her desire to learn as much as possible override her lack of knowledge about horses. Add to this the fact that she has her own filly – Hoku (Hawaiian for star) – and that she can ride daily and Darby knows she will improve in leaps and bounds.
Although Darby loves where she is staying, she is lonely and not sure she’ll make it as a future ranch hand. A girl around her age named Megan is angry with Darby and she doesn’t know how to change this. Also, without meaning to, Darby accidentally endangers one of Jonah’s horses. Suddenly she is questioning if she belongs on the ranch at all.
Then one night she sees a mysterious horse on ‘Iolani Ranch. When she mentions this, Darby learns about the legends surrounding the Shining Stallion of Hawaii. Her grandfather doesn’t want the stallion around. Another man is trying to catch him. Darby is surprised to find a mysterious stallion causing so much trouble. When he comes back to the ranch, she questions if the outcome can be anything other than bad.
The Shining Stallion is an interesting tale about a horse crazy teen in Hawaii. It throws in some interesting tales about legends in Hawaii and the local language. The second book in the Wild Horse Island series, it is another interesting read from Terri Farley.
Author: Terri Farley
Fiction – teen
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