Thought I’d do a quick post to remind people that want to work in the thoroughbred breeding industry, now is the time to put out feelers! In the past month I’ve been contacted by two stud owners about the need for staff for the season. Do you have a job lined up for the breeding season?
Even if you’re internationally based, if you have a desire to work in Australia, I’d suggest updating your resume and sending it around to studs now, inquiring about work. Who knows where you could be working in July? 🙂
For those unfamiliar with the work of a stud hand, I can’t praise this vocation highly enough. It’s a great opportunity to work with many classes of horse (mares, foals, stallions, weanlings, yearlings) and a large number of them at that! Plus there’s the chance to learn the reproductive process, see births, see breeding of horses, feed horses, treat illness, maintain properties and of course pick up manure 😉
“When will they make a tractor that can furnish the manure for farm fields and produce a baby tractor every spring?” – George Rupp, pioneer breeder of Belgian horses
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