I really enjoy reading Tudor Robins novels. Her horse fiction features unique characters and a whole lot of horse information. Stolen Saddles, her latest release is no different!
Stolen Saddles is a very entertaining read, and full of factual horse information. The protagonist is a delightful teenage girl named Emmy. She obviously loves horses and is a dedicated rider.
Emmy has a unique outlook on life. Her character and take on things is at times laugh out loud funny. Emmy wants a horse of her own. She also desires a place to call home.

Emmy is able to improve her riding skills with the help of her Aunt Jewel. Unfortunately for Emmy, the visits at her Aunt’s place are too short and not very often.
Emmy’s mother loves travel and also adventure. Emmy is an only child. She is taken around the world with her mother for various adventures. They live in a van and never stay long in one place or another.
During her (too short) stay at Aunt Jewel’s boarding property and riding school this time round, Emmy stumbles across a mystery. Expensive saddles are disappearing.
As the fourteen year old goes on a journey to discover the culprit behind these stolen saddles, she also discovers true friends and a place to call home. Stolen Saddles is another great read by equine author Tudor Robins.
Author: Tudor Robins
Fiction – young adult
In My Library? As an eBook, it is.
“When I hear somebody talk about a horse or cow being stupid; I figure it’s a sure sign that the animal has somehow outfoxed them” ― Tom Dorrance
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