Now I love a horse story that will teach you at the same time as entertain. This one is teaching about horse conformation on the first page – big plus in my book!

Jake Miller is a 24 year old Amish man working an apprenticeship as a farrier. He has big dreams to set up his own smithing shop in the future, whilst also working to help people with problem horses.
The Amish Blacksmith has a great mix of characters, reference to the Christian faith and of course, horses. If you’re into Christian romances, I’d highly recommend this one. The people are honest and flawed, but also humble, which is refreshing.
The two main horsey characters Jake and Priscilla have incredibly different outlooks on how a horse views the world, and yet both want the best for each equine they come into contact with. Both have valid reasons for why they interact with horses as they do and it’s interesting to see how the pair often disagree, and yet their knowledge complements each other’s.
Jake has a way with horses and this is obvious to many, but it’s Priscilla’s insights that often help him to find a solution to curing a horse of it’s fear. The Amish Blacksmith is an interesting read and provides factual and realistic information alongside a great plot for a romance. Highly recommended.
Authors – Mindy Starns Clark & Susan Meissner
Fiction – Christian romance
In my library – Unfortunately not! This was an electronic copy on short term loan from NetGalley.
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
“Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoof print of the horse beside it.” – John Trotwood Moore
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