Nancy Wright Grossman puts a great spin on the importance of being yourself in this horse story for pre-teens. Meg and Morgan are identical twins. They look alike, think alike and even like the same things.
The girls are mad about horses and are delighted when they find that their parents are willing to invest in a horse for them. Both girls are keen to try out the horses their instructor Betsy recommends. Because they like and dislike the same things, it isn’t a surprise that they agree on one horse in particular for their parents to purchase.
The girls love the mare they’ve renamed Trouble, but when they discover that she can tell them apart, they find they’re not so keen on this. Pointing this out to their parents, it raises the question of whether the girls are happy to be mistaken for each other and don’t want to be their own person.
The Judge is Seeing Double is a great introduction to the world of riding horses and has a wonderful focus on what it’s like to be a twin, but to still be your own person. A good start to the series.
Author – Nancy Wright Grossman
Fiction – childrens
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“It’s double the giggles and double the grins, and double the trouble if you’re blessed with twins.” – Author Unknown
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