I downloaded this recently on Kindle. The Painted Pony is a short story for children by Angharad Thompson Rees. It focuses around a pony named Stargazer that is a part of a merry-go-round at a fair.
Stargazer enjoys his life as he brings joy to children as they go round and round on him at the fair. It is only when one young boy comes to visit and ride him, that the pony questions if there may be more to life. Sebastian has a gift – he can talk with Stargazer. He talks of freedom and the beautiful wild horses of the Camargue.

Sebastian finishes his ride before Stargazer has heard all he wants to about the wild horses of the Camargue. He pleads with Sebastian to tell him more. And so the young boy promises to return when no one else is around.
True to his promise, Sebastian comes back at night when things are quiet. He tells Stargazer more about the wild horses. The pony is fascinated to hear too, that the young boy is able to talk only with those animals who desire to be free; to have a different life.
Stargazer asks the young boy how he can be free. This is when he learns an important lesson: it is through one’s own desires and actions that we are able to bring change to our circumstances.
The Painted Pony is a short story with an important moral for all readers. Although it may be aimed at kids, the theme to the story is applicable for all. It is an enjoyable read that is one of the six enchanting pony stories for children that make up Magical Adventures and Pony Tails.
Author – Angharad Thompson Rees
Fiction – children
In my library – as an eBook it is.
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
“In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.” ― Helen Thompson
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