In the second book in the Unicorns series, the Shadow Unicorn finds young Arica once again travelling to the magical world of Bundelag. Haunted by the same dream she’s been having about a trapped grey horse, Arica just knows that the unicorns need her help. With a little bit of magical help from her grandmother, Arica is able to leave her normal life on earth and travel once again to Bundelag.

When she arrives however, she finds she is uncertain what exactly to do next. Help comes in the unexpected form of Nue and Arica finds herself with a rather unusual travelling companion. As she learns more from – and about – the dwarf, she struggles between irritation at his mannerisms and an eagerness to learn all that he knows.
Bundelag is very different to when she first visited. Something is drastically wrong in the unicorn department. And as Arica delves deeper, she finds that things aren’t quite right with the faeries, either. And then there are the elves; Arica is sure she knows them and their values but finds herself questioning this, too.
It is soon obvious that some dark magic is at work. And not just the magic of her bad uncle Raden. It seems that the haunted unicorn she has been dreaming about is mixed up in amongst it all, too.
In the Shadow Unicorn, Arica finds herself once again drawing on strength that she didn’t realise she had. As she converses with the ghost of her grandfather and meets riddling trolls, she uses all of her wits to try and understand the puzzling way in which messages are being presented to her. As things come together, the young girl finds herself once again fighting on behalf of the unicorns and the faeries. Arica is eager to restore Bundelag to its origins. The Shadow Unicorn is a great fantasy for pre-teens and is bound to capture the imagination of its readers.
Author – Vicki Blum
Fiction – children’s fantasy
In my library – as a Kindle download.
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