In Thoroughbreds and Trailer Trash, 26 year old Jenna is a horse masseuse. She lives in a beaten up trailer and barely survives from one pay to the next. She is resourceful and carries out extra work whenever she can for cash, food or another item she needs to get by. Any money she is able to make, she uses to fund her younger sister undertaking a college degree. Jenna may be seen as the town trailer trash, but she is hard working and eager to help her sister make something of herself.

Things are all going to plan until the local equine centre Three Brooks where she works is taken over by a ‘corporate shark’. Jenna finds herself suddenly up against a ruthless business man. He is keen to cut out any employees who are not doing their job, are wasting time and money or worse yet, stealing from the business.
Not one to be intimidated by a bullying male, Jenna stands up to Derek Burke who is keen to make a lot of changes at Three Brooks before he flies out and handles another business takeover. Jenna defends the lying Wally Turner who managed the facility – and always looked out for her, her younger sister and their mother. Wally is like family to Jenna and she fights tooth and nail to keep the manager employed. Derek works just as hard to find a valid reason to fire him.
In time the other staff members realise that Jenna isn’t scared of Burke – in fact, he seems to like her audacity. They use this as best they can to get from the intimidating man anything they can to make their job easier – or more appealing to do.
Thoroughbreds and Trailer Trash
Burke is a stickler for education and promises raises to all staff who are suitably qualified. Keen to improve the reputation of Three Brooks, he is aiming to bring in high paying clientele that have racehorses. Jenna is dismayed that this new man feels only expensive horses are worth treating, not local ponies that also have lameness issues. The two have an ongoing battle as Jenna focuses on the worth of every equine whilst Burke tries to cater the facility to high paying clients.
In amongst their conflict there is an obvious attraction and Jenna works hard to fight her interest in the ruthless man. Although the others think he’s an ogre, she can see he has a good heart – and even relents as she pushes things. But that doesn’t mean she’s about to get in his bed. Jenna saw what an overbearing relationship did to her mother – and how it ultimately destroyed their family. She has no interest in getting her heart involved. It’s a pity her heart isn’t paying any attention to her plans.
Author: Bev Petterson
Fiction – adult
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