The sixth book in the Magical Adventures and Pony Tales short stories for children is titled the Wooden Pony. In this story, young Thomas longs for fields of green that to him depict freedom. Although he loves watching his father work in his carpentry shop, he struggles with envy. The beautiful toys, instruments and other items are carefully crafted and then sold to someone else.

Thomas has no doubt it will be the same for the wooden horse that his father is making. As the pony starts to take shape, he also comes to life. Thomas is amazed to find he has a new friend – a talking wooden pony! As he grows closer to the pony, his father continues to work on him. Eyes are added so he can see; legs are carved so he can move.
And as he continues to take shape, Thomas’ friendship deepens and he is able to enjoy doing more with the pony. But he is aware that his time of friendship is running out. As Thomas describes the world around them to the pony, the topic of ownership comes up. The pony is saddened to find that he will be sold and owned by someone else. Thomas is devastated.
The Wooden Pony is a delightful story of magic and deep friendship. As Thomas’ friendship deepens, he learns more about the pony. This leads him to naming the pony. Once his name is carved onto the hindquarters, Thomas knows that he will be complete. Although he dreads this day, he can’t help but name the pony for the freedom they both desire. Little does Thomas know that his hearts desire is that of his parents, too. This is a short, delightful read with a wonderful ending.
Author – Angharad Thompson Rees
Fiction – children
In my library – as an eBook it is.
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