Although here in the Southern Hemisphere the big attraction of the Spring Racing Carnival is months away, it’s summer racing months in the Northern Hemisphere! I’ve touched on Bookmaking before, with regards to a potential career with horses that also requires a head for figures.

Whilst betting on horse racing can make some people a nice bit of pocket money every now and again, being the person to provide the betting service may be a better gamble. With today’s technology and the opportunity to set up programming and math systems on a website, it may even be possible to entertain such a horse related career choice from the comfort of a home computer.
Of course, if you have a passion for horses, business and figures, you may also like to consider the idea of accounting for horse related businesses. There are many, many career options out there for the enthusiastic horse fan.
“Canter is the cure for every evil.” – The Book Of Horse Quotes
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