Juliana Hutchings wrote her first novel A Horse to Remember at the young age of 14. Years later in December of 2013, she released the follow on to this book in A Horse to Treasure. Juliana contacted me about reading and reviewing her book – I was delighted to accept!

A Horse to Treasure invites the reader to explore the world of teenager Hilary Thompson and her best friend Amanda. Both are horse addicts who love to ride, despite each having experienced loss in their horse worlds.
Hilary’s was more recent and as the reader progresses through the story, it becomes obvious how important the young horse she is bringing along – Satan’s Promise – is to her because of his father.
The reason why Hilary no longer shows in spite of having a promisingly talented young equine is also explored as the teen starts to question if she should be promoting her horse’s talent rather than hiding it on private trail rides.
Eager to see her friend perform on the show circuit like she knows she is able to, Hilary often supports Amanda at nearby shows as her groom. As she does so, she comes to realise that Amanda may not be the short time rider she thought and that her natural talent has come from years of hard work.
As Hilary delves deeper, she is forced to question if she knows her best friend at all. This alongside the possible betrayal of a close friend Jeremy and an accident that leaves her unable to horse ride for awhile, leaves Hilary questioning how things will turn out for her and her horse.
As it seems that her life is making a turn for the better, her newfound friendship with Amanda grows whilst Amanda competes Promise for her. When circumstances make this no longer possible, Hilary is proud to find she has a champion on her hands but is forced to make a difficult choice about where his future lies.
A Horse to Treasure is an interesting read that wraps in obvious horse knowledge by the author. It interweaves horse and human relationships well and would be enjoyable to anyone in their teens who loves horses. I found it really enjoyable.
Author: Juliana Hutchings
Fiction – young adult
In my library? I have an ecopy! A great story that I may have to get in paperback for my library collection.
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
“A pony is a childhood dream, a horse is an adulthood treasure.” – Rebecca Carroll
Thanks Christine! 🙂
Thanks for the chance to read it, Juli!