Looking for a career within the equestrian industry? More specifically, within Equestrian Australia? EA have three positions on offer currently. These are pathway manager for athletes, coaches and officials.
This role covers education of people qualified within Equestrian Australia. If you’re interested in checking out any of these roles, head along to the Positions Vacant page of the EA website.
Here’s a little of what is involved in being a pathway manager according to the EA position description:
To succeed in this role, you will:
- create and implement education programs for all equestrian officials
- including technical delegates, judges, stewards and course designers
- drawing on industry expertise as required
- Your focus will be on identifying and facilitating opportunities for officials to
- continue their accreditation
- gain the experience required to meet the standards set by the FEI.
If you’re passionate about education within the equestrian industry, consider this role. If you have an equestrian background, this is looked upon favourably.
If you want to make a difference for education and accreditation within the horse riding industry, apply! Equestrian Australia is a large governing body for horse riding in Australia. Working in a role with EA will open many doors for the right individual.
Pathway Managers within any industry hold a great responsibility. They are to guide and educate many within that given industry. They can help to shape positive changes for the equestrian sport. They can better equip people to carry out their job and stay current in the industry.
A Pathway Manager within Equestrian Australia could do all of these things and more. Read through the position descriptions to see if there is a role fitting with your skills. Perhaps a new employment position is on the horizon?
“There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorite places is on the back of my horse.” – Rolf Kopfle