At the moment I’m undertaking a course to learn a little more about internet marketing on your own website. Even better than the course being free, you get paid to do tasks as you work your way to creating a website, blog and adding Google Adsense.

If you’re thinking of paying for internet hosting and setting up a website, I encourage you to take a look at this course via Shoemoney. If you’re already planning to invest in a business website, then why not do it via this course that pays you in real time into your Paypal account as you do so?
Your only expense will be your internet hosting through a service provider Blue Host, otherwise you will be receiving payments as you progress through generating a .com (free with your hosting) and setting up your website. The course is explained via videos and the first $1USD you make can be done in 5 minutes.
If you’re thinking of setting up your online presence for your horse business, take this step now and earn a little extra on the side!
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