My local Christian radio station Vision fm has an advert currently that is promoting a superannuation company that invests super funds in ethical companies. The focal point is that Christians may be interested in having their super money invested in areas that will make a positive impact for others, rather than have it be used by another super company that is only focused on making a profit for themselves.

This got me to thinking about superannuation for those in the equine industry. Well, this ad and the recent change that has allowed jockeys to be eligible for super.
As someone who is an advocate for the equine industry, I would love to know that my superannuation that is being put aside and invested to earn me a return for my future retirement, is being used in a way that will benefit the equine industry as a whole. How is that possible?
Well, what if there was a superannuation company for members of the equine industry that invested its funds in equine related businesses that resulted in a return? Stable hands, stud hands, equestrians, jockeys, trainers, breeders, vets and the like could know that their employers are paying the typical 9% (or more) into a company that offers a return alongside investing in the equine industry.
The horse industry and racing in particular provides so much income to the Australian economy, and yet there are areas that are strongly lacking in funds. Equine education comes to mind immediately. Having a place to invest in one’s own super whilst also helping to ensure the future of the equine industry would be of appeal to me and many other equine workers, I’m sure.
Now if you have a passion for money, people’s future and the equine industry, perhaps setting up a superannuation company that invests in these things may be the niche market that sparks a flame in you. If there’s already someone out there doing this, I’d love to hear about it!
“Lessons From Your Horse… When you feel superior, let me teach you that mostly, you’re the maid service.” – Author unknown