Emily and Judy are the best of friends, have been since 3 years of age. Now the 13 year olds are excited about going on a horse riding camp for the whole summer. Only one thing could make the camp less appealing – one of them not being able to go.

When young Emily gets such a call from Judy she questions if she wants to go on the lengthy camp all by herself. After all, Judy is the outgoing one of the pair, not Emily!
Author Virginia Vail writes well about the young teen’s nerves with regards to fitting in, her level of riding in comparison to others and the sort of time she will have without her closest friend. Emily’s fears are quickly dispersed when she sees the first horse at Webster’s Country Horse Camp.
Her confidence rises as she is introduced to the group of ‘Fillies’ – 13 and 14 year olds she’ll be sharing a room with. Of the other 6 girls, most are easy to get along with. A nearly 15 year old by the name of Caroline who is very used to being pampered proves to be troublesome however and Emily soon finds herself disliking the teen.
As Caroline befriends Emily, the 13 year old decides she must have been wrong in her first assumptions, but over time the amount of favours Caroline carries out for Emily leave the young girl feeling concerned. At what point will Caroline expect a favour in return?
The first story in this series ends well, showing how Emily can stand up for something she believes in.
Author: Virginia Vail
Fiction – teens
In my library? You bet! A great introduction to a horse series for that horse mad teenager.
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
“A little horseplay… the way best to enjoy a summer day!” – Author unknown