Adrienne Tomkinson from ImPuls Methode was kind enough to answer some questions about what she does! See below.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I work during the week with horses, in stables, massaging or training horses (riding or ground exercises). Probably I spend most of my time in someway related to horses, as this is my business. I am a Vaulting trainer so spend 2 evenings a week training children in Vaulting. On some weekends I run courses in conjunction with a government training institute (WIFI – Pferdeenergetiks), teaching people how to perform a basic massage, clear and balance their horses energy and perform gymnastics exercises. Other weekends I go to competitions to watch clients, for my Vaulting Team or because I sponsor events at specific competitions. I write blogs for an international Horse Portal ( on a monthly basis. Almost every day I do something related to horses! Most of the time I live horses and often dream about them too!!
What is it exactly that you do?
I am self-employed as a Massage & Energy therapist, Sport Coach and Trainer (Sport and Fitness Conditioning). The Massage is self explanatory, instigates relaxation and improves muscle function. The energy work helps clear and balance energy for the horse. It helps with behavioural issues, such as anxiety/nervousness, fixing bad habits that stem from previous bad experiences (perhaps injuries, surgery or mis-treatment) and ‘re-fueling’ the vitality of horses (lethargy caused by over-work or strenuous competition schedules).
I perform active gymnastics training, either on the ground or ridden to help strengthen specific areas and build up flexibility and muscle mass. I have developed my own method, ImPuls Methode™. This method encompasses the three important techniques to help optimise a horse’s performance. After many years of experience and learning and trying new hand techniques I found that my routines give the best results!
Basically I am like a personal trainer but instead of training the people I train the horses and also provide regular massage to help maintain healthy muscle function and homeostasis within the body. I have written and teach courses for riders, owners, trainers and stablehands how to perform the basics of the ImPuls Methode™ on their own horse. In conjunction with a government training facility we deliver this to students in Austria, Germany and Italy (link in German).
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Sure! But at the start it is not easy, it takes some time to build up a sufficient, regular client base. The results from the Sport Conditioning take time. The massage has an almost immediate effect, however regular sessions combined with the energy work and conditioning really demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of including such a program to a horse’s training regime. However, once the owners/trainers can see the benefits of the “investment”, in performance, recovery, and reduction in the risk of injury, it is much easier!
This of course does take time! Word of mouth recommendation is generally the best advertisement as the referrals come from those that have already ‘been bold’ and seen how great the results can be!
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
That depends in which country one wishes to pursue this career!!! I started in Australia and now live in Austria. In Australia / England / USA and Germany the industry and mindset is a few years ahead. The rules and regulations dependent on each country vary. This is important to know so that one can look for the right education and get the right experience. Not all countries have the same regulations and thus the opportunities vary. Generally one must have an interest and then complete a course/degree to learn the Theory, and at the same time get enough practical experience.
Favourite horse memory?
Ohhh, that’s your hardest question!! I do not know as I have too many! We had a stud so watching foals being born (or when necessary helping) was amazing. But successes in competitions, riding and swimming at the beach and playing with my horses are all also favourites! I guess anything to do with enjoying the connection I have had with my horses are all my favourites!
Future goals?
At the moment I am working on developing a Professional Training Course in Austria. Naturally this involves also vets and other professionals so that people can learn not only how to perform the role, but also how to use the information and skills to be an excellent practitioner.
ImPuls Methode
I would like to see my ImPuls Methode™ taught internationally and have a great network of highly qualified and quality controlled professionals performing my method. I would also like to have a huge facility where I can have enough place for horses to come to me for various programs and students come to me to complete a Practicum.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
I get paid to do what I love!!! What is better than that? I love going to different stables, seeing different people and horses and the results from my work over time. Also, I get to travel internationally, for example to Italy, for client appointments. I enjoy keeping updated in horse health and never stop learning!