Doing my typical online search for free kindle books under the category of horse, I recently came across another book in the Magical Pony Adventure series by Angharad Thompson Rees. This particular short children’s book is titled The Ugly Pony.

The Ugly Pony is a wonderful retelling of the children’s tale the Ugly Duckling. Except this time the animal in question is a pony instead of a swan. This young pony grows up on a stud farm where ponies are bred for the show ring. They are recognised for their beautiful coats, rich colour, high stepping trot and pleasant conformation. These are all things that this particular pony seems to be lacking.
She has unusual – or even horrible – conformation. She is a dull white colour and has a funny bump on her forehead. As she grows older, these things don’t lessen, but instead seem to increase in visibility. The other ponies on the farm make fun of her. In fact, even her mother is embarrassed by her appearance. This in turn leads to the pony concluding that she doesn’t belong on the farm.
The Ugly Pony has a unique twist to it as well as a wonderful moral: that we need to appreciate our own uniqueness. Author Angharad Thompson Rees encourages all readers to embrace the person that they are and to love themselves. This is a great lesson for young readers as well as older readers! The Ugly Pony is a lovely retelling of the classic that is sure to captivate young readers and horse fans alike.
Author – Angharad Thompson Rees
Fiction – children
In my library – as an eBook it is.
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
“There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.” ― Missy Lyons