Wild Pony Island by L.B. Shively is a short story for young horse enthusiasts. With the main focus a young boy stranded on an island and a pony stallion, it is bound to capture their imagination. Young Simon misses his trips out in the dinghy with his papa. Because his father is sick, he finds that he is sad and cooped up inside when he’s desperate to be out on the water.
In a rash decision, Simon decides to take the dinghy out by himself one night, promising himself that he’ll be back before his parents notice he is gone. But things quickly go awry. Simon finds himself stranded on an island, cold, wet, hungry and alone. Or so he thinks.
A pony stallion seems to arrive out of nowhere, pointing Simon toward a place where he can be protected from the elements. The young boy makes a quick shelter and then considers how he is going to get back to his family.
He knows enough to make a fire. Although he is able to dry off and ward away the cold, he is hungry and also thirsty. At the right time the stallion pony captures his attention and draws him away toward water. In time, he shows the young boy where he may secure food on the island, too. It seems that this wild pony island is a place where one wild pony is able to look out for the boy and help him to meet his needs.
In time Simon is surprised and pleased to find that he is not alone. Thankfully he is found and will be brought safely home. As he leaves with his father, Simon is amazed to find that it is not just one pony that lives on the island. There is a herd to accompany the stallion that had so carefully looked out for him. Wild Pony Island is a short, entertaining read full of adventure.
Author – L.B. Shively
Fiction – children’s
In my library – as an eBook it is.