There are a lot of horse events around the world that you can utilise. Have you considered the idea of attending horse events for business?
When I worked for the National Centre for Equine Education, we made a point of attending Equitana. This was a trade show we used to highlight our horse courses. It was a great opportunity to show what we taught and how (online, flexible delivery, face to face). We could also meet prospective students. Plus, it helped people to be aware of us.
Brand awareness is one thing that all horse businesses need. With that in mind, are you aware of the following horse events around the world?
- Spoga Horse – International Trade Fair for Equestrian Sports
- BETA International – the industry’s definitive trade exhibition for equestrian, country clothing, outdoor and pet products
- American Equestrian Trade Association
- Equitana
If one of your goals with your horse business is to establish yourself internationally, then a priority should be to know about trade shows around the world that are relevant to you. From here, research what is involved in having a trade stand and get busy!

Attending Horse Events for Business
There may be a horse trade show in your local state or country. Otherwise, you may need to look overseas. If it’s your dream to set up a product or service that is known by all equestrians or horse owners, then trade shows will definitely be of benefit. The internet is great for raising brand awareness. However, for many, the opportunity to touch and feel a product – and meet the people behind it – goes so much further in guaranteeing a sale.
“A horse which stops dead just before a jump and thus propels its rider into a graceful arc provides a splendid excuse for general merriment.” ― Philip, Duke of Ediburgh