Edified Energiser Grants for 2020. They are now open.
I love the word edify. It means “to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift.” As an alumni of CSU, I have recently been made aware ofAs it states on the Edified grants site:
“Helping you help others: at Edified, we believe education can transform lives. We also believe that powerful change can be led by individuals with passion and commitment. We’ve created the Edified Energiser Grants (EEGs) to energise people working to improve education around the world.
EEGs are worth A$5000 each and are awarded to individuals or groups with a compelling plan to improve education for their community.”
As always, when a particular resource, business or skill captures my attention, I question how it can be used in the equine industry. So here’s a question for you: could you make use of a $5000 grant for equine education?

The plan could be small – becoming a teacher in your community. It could be a grand plan – creating a new EdTech platform to bring free education to world. Or anything in between.
“EEGs are open to people of any nationality (domestic and international) who are currently studying at, or have graduated in the last 5 years, from an Australian, New Zealand or UK Higher Education, Vocational or English Language institution (part-time, online and offshore campuses accepted). Your project can be delivered in any country in the world.”
Applications close October 31st!
It is a pity that EEGs can only be obtained by people who have completed higher education in Australia, New Zealand or the United Kingdom. If such a program were extended to the USA, I think the demand would be enormous, including for training horses. I say this as the owner of a horse ranch, which has many like-minded people in this field.