I always thought there should be someone you could call if you broke down on the side of the road and had horses on board. Well it seems, in the United Kingdom, there is!
Equine Rescue Services provide support to those travelling with horses:
At ERS, our mission is to provide specialist horsebox breakdown cover of the highest standard to all members of the equine community. Whether you drive a horsebox or tow a horse trailer, we provide the best breakdown cover in the industry.
Our core responsibility is to ensure the welfare of you and your horses in a breakdown emergency, 24 hours a day. Our experience spans over a decade of successful roadside rescues. We get hundreds of breakdowns back on the road quickly each year, with the expertise of our nationwide support networks…
Now in my mind, if you combined this service with a working knowledge of large animal rescue, you’d have a lot to offer horse lovers and be able to build up a successful business over time!
“We gaze upon their quiet beauty, their natural elegance, and we are captivated. They see us softly, in gentle light… rewarding human companionship with strength, grace and intelligence. As they run through arenas and open fields, past mountains and seas, moving like the wind toward heaven, we travel with them, if only in our hearts.” – Author unknown
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