I love to learn. I love things about horses and I especially love free things. So when it comes to a resource that is free to access/download, about horses and enables me to increase my learning, then I’m all for it! So I wanted to share with you the Evergraze Free Resource that I recently came across.
Now this .pdf file isn’t a new file, it’s just new to me! It’s titled Identifying native perennial grasses. It is a fact sheet that is of most benefit to people located in North East Victoria, Australia and Southern New South Wales.
Evergraze Free Resource – pdf Download
Interested? You can download it online.

Why would such a resource be of interest to you? Knowing how to identify particular grasses in your paddock can help you. You can research and know what time of the year they will be prominent, growing well or even dying back. It will also help you to determine the nutritional makeup of your pastures for horses.
Native Grasses are particularly beneficial to horses – or horse property owners – as they are better for the horse. A lot of properties these days have improved pastures. That is they have been changed or ‘improved’ with cattle in mind. Many of these pastures are just too rich for horses and can result in problems with their metabolism – particularly laminitis.
If you are aware of the native grasses that could be growing in your area, you can look at the best types of grass to have growing. If they are native, they’re more inclined to do well in the local area and deal with issues such as drought. Food for thought.
“He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music.” ― Mark Helprin, Winter’s Tale