This new release by Mara Dabrishus is sure to be an adult horse story that is enjoyed by racing and horse fans alike.
Georgiana Quinn (Georgie) is riding her way to the top as an apprentice jockey on Sweet Bells, the great thoroughbred mare that is half owned by her family, the other half belonging to the great Tupelo stud and racing farm. Georgie’s history is intricately entwined with that of the farm across the road and their owners, the Armstrong family.
As Georgie finds herself gaining fame as the jockey of Sweet Bells, she struggles to balance her last year in high school, the demands of riding other horses and developing a racing career, and helping her parents to run their thoroughbred operation. Add to this ubiquitous gossip about her family and the Armstrong family, a confusing love/hate relationship with Harris Armstrong and guilt over the death of his mother and you have a make for an entertaining read.
Dabrishus develops her characters well, covers aptly the early racing hours, competition between jockeys and setting up horses for the big races in the United States. Finding Daylight is a well named, informative and delightful read for the horse fanatic. Not to be missed.
Author – Mara Dabrishus
Fiction – young adult / adult
In my library? – as an eBook early release!
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
“A large and liquid eye… the swirl of dust around pounding hooves… these, then, are the images that move us.” – Author Unknown
Thanks for this, Laurence!