Susan is so young to be finding life a struggle. After the loss of her parents, she now lives with her grandparents and only slightly older aunt and uncle. The pre-teen is angry at the world and upset that her birthday was forgotten by the family.

When she finds this to be untrue, she is devastated to discover they have purchased her a pony. Not just any pony, but a pony named Butterfly. Butterfly is beautiful – just ask him! Susan despises the pretty and smug pony.
As she is forced to care for him, she finds exercising him to be a chore. Plus, he’s always playing tricks on her. Being thrown off or nudged into water are just a few of the things he does to cause irritation.
Susan soon devises a plan to sell Butterfly. The plan seems foolproof, but Butterfly is soon returned. Over time Susan finds different opportunities to part with her pony and gift him to someone else. Each one fails and eventually the young girl is forced to decide if she wants him gone from her life forever, or if she’ll choose to love something again.
A Horse Called Butterfly is a great tale of a young girl’s struggle with the loss of her close family. A bad attitude, issues at school and seemingly unsympathetic family are all things Susan must battle with.
As Susan gets to know her aunt and uncle better, she realises they aren’t all bad. Like her, they are struggling with things in life and trying to do what is best for everyone. Susan knows that her grandparents love her and have her best interests at heart, but she struggles to see it at times. In A Horse Called Butterfly, Susan learns to love again – a pretty palomino pony and her family members.
Author: Thurley Fowler
Fiction – children
In My Library? One of the first I put in my collection!
This sounds like a lovely story that young people would find beneficial. As always, you did a great job with the review.
Thanks, Deanie!