So recently I became aware of the Confident Rider Project. This particular project runs for six months and costs to take part in. It is carried out via free resources on a website, a Facebook group where participants can interact and one on one sessions over Skype or Zoom. It seems to me there are a lot of people taking part and I got to thinking about horse programs as a form of passive income. Sure, this particular program isn’t fully passive – there are one on one sessions that will take up your time as the creator.
Horse Programs as a Passive Income
But what if you could create a program (or multiple horse programs) that pretty much run by themselves for a set time frame? Your topic could relate to horse riding, handling horses safely, breeding horses, writing about them or even photographing them.
As the program creator, you can create a heap of resources. These can include audio files, videos, .pdf files, worksheets, activities, a Facebook group, etc. These resources are made available to subscribers at set times throughout their program. For example you could release a new resource and task to complete each week or month. If you’re able to set up things to automatically release after participants reach a particular point (like finish watching one of your videos), then it can automatically progress without you needing to do much.
All you have to do is create the content and find a platform to release it on. Then you promote your program and determine how you will receive payments. From a specific date/s people can have information released to them (like in email automation). They are encouraged to run through all that your program has to offer. Of course at the end you can ask for feedback/testimonials. And you can also promote other products / projects that you have available for sale. What do you think?
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