This quick how to guide was a free download on Amazon recently and if you can score it as such, is a great free resource for the property owner! Griffin discusses different types of electric fencing, what is best for which stock (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, etc) and what is needed to make up an electric fencing set.
She covers the ideas of mains power operated electric fencing, battery operated and solar and whether or not the fencing is intended to be temporary or permanent. Pros and cons are considered for each type – including how cost effective they are.
When it comes to the actual setting up of an electric fence for horses, measurements are also suggested with regards to the spacing between posts and between individual wires, depending on how many you plan to utilise.
I would have liked more diagrams to lay out measurements between posts and electric tape rails, but the book in itself is a great overall guide and provides some extra resources and reading at the end of it. This is one worth looking into for those who plan to set up their own horse fencing in the future.
Author – Jenny Griffin
Non Fiction – Horse fences
In my library? – that it is!
Want it? Find it now at Amazon.
“The grass is always greener on the other side.” – Author unknown
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