How much of your day/week is related to horses?
Arthrogen, GmbH & USA is focused everyday on the equine owner, veterinary physicians and addressing the injuries of horses.
What is it exactly that you do?

I am president of Arthrogen, GmbH & USA. We are focused on Veterinary and Human Regeneration. The veterinary market, the main task in front of me, seems to be unmasking the difference between what is regeneration and what is a fibrous repair tissue to veterinary physicians, horse owners and trainers.
Arthrogen Goldic Enhanced Gelsolin does what adipose fat and bone marrow stems cells, and IRAP claims to do: regenerate injuries. In the case of adipose fat stem cells vs bone marrow stem cells, each claims to be better because the former has 1000 times as many stem cells in their mixture.
The problem is, adding more undifferentiated stem cells does not make the undifferentiated stem cells become differentiated stems cells that comprises the make-up of injured tissue. IRAP (Orthokine -Regenokine) Interleukin 1 Antagonist is a deceiving solution to injury resolution. You see by shutting down the body’s natural response to injury (inflammation), the structural causes of the injuries is not treated.
The potential here is greater damage to ligaments, cartilage or tendons without being aware of it, because the natural outward sign of the body that screams “stop you’re hurting me” (inflammation) is not available.

SO what’s the difference in all these technologies… Arthrogen Goldic Enhanced Gelsolin is the only one that regenerates inflammation and regenerates the structural cause of the injuries. Without both, you will keep going back to the vet for more treatments.
GOLDIC Gelsolin Regenerates – coffin joint, collateral ligament, fetlock, tendonitis, cartilage, suspensory ligaments, tendons, wounds, spine disc herniation, hocks, muscles and so much more in humans and animals!
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
To become president of an international corporation in the manner that I did, requires putting your mind to understand and experience orthopedic and neurosurgery and added to this getting knowledge and experience with the top human regenerative medicine surgeons. Then learn the horse industry.
Favorite horse memory?
Chief, was the hose I loved. He was all character and was beautiful. He was a white canvas with splotches of gold and black. He was a leader among horses, and fast as lightning. I fell in love with him at Michigan YMCA summer camp. Each year I returned, if I rode another horse, he would bite the horses that separated us, until the riders gave up the saddle to me.
Chief, was my horse until they auctioned him to the glue factory. Chief is one of the reasons I want to rescue horses from failed regeneration technologies that ultimately force owners to put the horses to death.
Future goals?
Spread the word about Goldic Gelsoin – The Plasma Gelsolin Protein has been researched for over 20 years by PhD’s at Harvard, Stanford, University of Toronto, University of Florida, University of Pennsylvania
(to name a few) in over 1,988 studies Published on PubMed.
Predictions have been made that Gelsolin could reverse Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, AIDS, Cancers, Neurodegeneration following Ischemic Stroke, Anti Aging and Regeneration Therapies [Published online 9 November 2010 in Wiley Online Library (]
Best thing about your sport/profession?
I love people, I love horses.
“Love means attention, which means looking after the things we love.” – George H. Morris, The American Jumping Style”
I own one of the largest sports nutrition companies in the world called VPX. I am looking to personally use Goldic Enhanced Gesolin to repair injuries and to be licensed to make this therapy available to hundreds and even thousands of other athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.
Jack Owoc
CEO VPX/Redline
Hi Jack,
I’ve interviewed Daryl on my blog, but am not in direct contact with him; do you have contact details to pursue this?