Towards the start of this year, I was made aware of an equine nutrition website. It is called Jenquine. Their tagline is:
“bringing science to your feed bin”
Catchy, isn’t it? When you combine feeding horses and a vet’s understanding of horse nutrition, things can get interesting. When this information is provided to you – the horse owner – this is even better.
Equine nutrition is a vast and also interesting topic. It is also one that needs to be understood at a basic level to be able to provide horses with the best possible nutrition and care. The key role of Jenquine is listed as dealing with this side of things. They work to educate horse owners about equine nutrition with the view to developing healthier horses.

Now I’m always up for learning and free resources. So in light of this, you may like to check out their media page and the Clinical Equine Nutrition series (1-8). The first video is provided for you below. You may also like to check out their resources page that has a lot of nutrition related articles to read.
These cover things such as:
- Septicaemia
- Stomach ulcers
- Liver failure
- Big head in horses
- Caterpillar Caused Abortion
There are so many equine businesses set up on the Internet these days. And through this, there is a wealth of information that you can utilise and also benefit from. Why not take a look at Jenquine and the resources that they have to offer in regards to equine nutrition as well as education?