There are so many different events, products and services that are available to each of us in the equine industry, free of charge. If you’re an avid horse owner or career person, I encourage you to take advantage of them to better yourself as an educated equine individual.

Last week Saddleworld in Wangaratta hosted a John Kohnke event at the National Centre for Equine Education. This was free to the public and covered 2.5 invaluable hours of information from a well known vet and nutritionist. I learnt so much that is particularly applicable at this time of year as I am dealing with an older pony who has foundered. Kohnke covered laminitis well on the evening as well as many other nutritional issues that are applicable in Australia at this time of year.
If you are aware of events that are being offered for free, why not go along?
Often products are given as door prizes, fact sheets are provided and of course there’s your memory of the event and the opportunity to take your own notes on what you feel is relevant to you. Never mind that such an event is also a great networking chance for horse people in the area.
One fact sheet that may be of interest to you that is provided online for free is Nutrition of the Aged Horse by Dr John Kohnke.
Many free resources have been explored on this blog as they help you to manage horses or be educated regarding their care. Take a look at the following:
- Free Motion Analysis Tool (assessing horse’s movement, gaits and footfalls)
- Rendaivu, Free Horse Keeping Software (managing horse health)
If you’re an avid reader, don’t forget your local library!
“To me, horses and freedom are synonymous.” – Veryl Goodnight
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