I wanted to discuss another free tool that you can use for attracting clients in your business. You might provide a product for the horse industry. Maybe you have an awesome equine service. Maybe it’s both! An example? Horse feed products and nutritional advice for horse owners. You can be using YouTube to gain clients for your horse business.
I started back this week at one of my dream jobs. I am currently working casually for the National Centre for Equine Education. My role includes teaching and training students, marking assignments, developing resources and getting these online for students.
Whilst going through some introductory subjects for students starting at the end of the month, I was made aware of a YouTube video by Dengie Horse Feeds. The video talked about the horse’s digestive system and the importance of feeding little and often.
It is a short, educational video that finishes with a link to the Dengie website, a phone number and the prompt to chase them up for any horse feeding needs or queries. The video is short and effective. And the end result was people were guided toward their website which displays their horse nutritional products for sale.
Using YouTube to Gain Clients for Your Horse Business
Now this video has the potential to work passively. You create it once and upload it to your free YouTube channel for your business. Then anyone can watch it anytime. And through this, they are guided to your site and your products (or service!).
So have a think about your promotional activities and how you can help to impact the horse world. Could you provide educational videos relating to your field of expertise? Could you do this for free and then encourage people to check out your online site or store? Food for thought 🙂
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