Whether you’re a business or an individual, it’s important to advertise what you have to offer to others. This could be skills that someone needs in the equine industry, so it’s important they know where to find you! For an individual, this could be on job seeking sites or a networking site for business individuals, such as LinkedIn.
Even if you’re currently in a job, it shouldn’t stop you from promoting yourself as a valuable employee. Other job options may come along because of it, or you may find that people connect with you as they’re keen to break into the field you’re already working in. If you can find your employer other valuable employees, that is a good thing!
For a business, it is important to have an online presence so that people from around the world can find out about you in a few clicks of the mouse. Develop a website, Facebook account and Twitter account to be able to reach current and future clients. Let them know what they want to know – what you can offer, your rates and success stories but also share what you want them to know – causes you’re passionate about.
For the month of February, work to establish yourself online. Provide quality content, not quantity and don’t be afraid to reach out and let people know about you. Include important links in the footer of any emails you send out.
Missed last month’s challenge? Check out Reflect and Refresh.