Here’s an email from MaryAnne Leighton:
I need your help! So far, more than one thousand people around Australia and NZ have participated in Large Animal Rescue training courses and workshops hosted by Queensland Horse Council. However, not everyone who wants to attend is able to do so and we know those who miss out still desperately need this important information.
We want to take the Large Animal Rescue message to many, many more people and I need your help to take the Large Animal Rescue Roadshow on the road, to drive around the eastern states, stop wherever I’m needed and give powerful, compelling one-hour presentations for FREE!
As you can imagine, the logistics involved are mind-blowing. I estimate it will take me six months to drive 10,000 kilometres in two loops – the first 5000 kilometres around Queensland and the second 5000 kilometres around NSW, Victoria and Tassie. I’m exhausted just thinking about it and this is where I need your input.
Stage 1 – you tell me you can drum up enough interested people that it’s worth your while to find a venue (a room that can be darkened and that is big enough for the numbers you expect to attract) and make sure they turn up on the day.
If you are interested, please email me at giving your State, town or city suburb, your email address and the expected number of attendees. Please contact me only if you’re sure you can organise it, thank you.
Stage 2 – is raising funds to make this happen. I’d be grateful to hear of anyone you know who may be a potential sponsor, or if you’ve had any experience of crowd funding and can help us go down that route.
Stage 3 – once I have all the info and confirmed funding, I’ll work out an itinerary and suggest a date for you. I’ll create a flyer for your event and help you publicise it and I’ll be giving door prizes at each presentation.
Please share and let’s work together to get the Large Animal Rescue Roadshow on the road. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you next year.
I can vouch that these workshops are well worth the time to check them out! If you could be of assistance in hosting one, contact MaryAnne!
“A large and liquid eye. . . the swirl of dust around pounding hooves. . .these, then, are the images that move us.” – Author unknown