This week’s letter is W. If you missed last week’s Friday Feature, take a look at Veterinary Nursing.
In today’s society, the welfare of animals is greatly promoted. Equine welfare is no different. Many may think of equine rescue set ups around the world when they think of work relating to horse welfare. There are in fact many organisations that also work to promote horse care and educate ignorant owners and workers.
If you have an interest in the welfare of horses and raising their living conditions in your area, consider:
- People can do things out of ignorance, not out of cruelty and need to be approached respectfully to advocate change
- That the job could involve seeing a lot of under-conditioned and poorly handled or mistrusting horses
- Equine welfare jobs can come in the form of work with the RSPCA, governing sporting bodies (EFA/FEI, Pony Clubs, HorseSafe) as well as equine rescue businesses
- How you can educate yourself to be a better horse owner/handler
- Having an open mind
There are many possibilities to pursue this passion as a line of work. It may involve physically working with bringing horses back to health, educating people about horse health and care, developing educational resources or even being part of an ethics committee that outlines rules for horse care and handling in a particular organisation.
For posts that relate to this area of work on Equus-Blog, take a look at:
“When my health and strength are gone – when I’m getting old and feeble, and my long life’s work is done – don’t sell me to cruel owners, to be slaved to my latest breath…” – Author unknown