Hubby was kind enough to indulge me last month and take us for a drive to a nearby reserve that is utilised for a local Pony Club. This particular reserve is open to the public and can be utilised for a small fee for those in need of horse riding facilities.
Keen to offer something similar on our future property, I was eager to see what was on offer and how good the facilities were. It was exciting to see an area with fenced off and maintained arenas, tie up areas for horses and a relatively spectacular collection of cross country jumps dotted about cleared areas between native trees. Definitely got me dreaming about future goals!

Perhaps you have a love of horses and some land that could be put to use for the fellow equestrian. There would definitely be establishment costs and ongoing maintenance and gardening, but perhaps this is an area where you can invest and find a return in the equestrian world?
“You know you’re a horse person when you consider a golf course as a waste of good pasture land.” – Author unknown